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The National Spirituality & Mental Health Forum operates under the Charity Commission England & Wales and in association with stakeholders such as the UK government, the NHS, national mental health initiatives and religious institutions. The Board of Trustees meets at least twice a year to plan the role and work of the Forum and to address governance matters. 


Dr Yvette Arthur is a qualified clinical psychologist and Christian. As a clinical psychologist, she has worked across a range of settings, including community and inpatients, and also across the lifespan. During training, Yvette became aware of the separation of religion and/or spirituality from the therapeutic space and also the identity of a clinical psychologist. This was also reflected in lectures and conversations with fellow trainees. Having worked with clients who hold their religion and/or spirituality as an important part of their recovery and being that her faith is of great importance to her identity, her thesis focused on the narratives of psychologists who hold religious or spiritual beliefs. 


During her final year placement in the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Access Service in Tower Hamlets, Yvette had the unique opportunity of presenting to a local church, as a Christian clinical psychologist. Part of the presentation involved the church members suggesting scriptures that have helped them through difficult times. This was important to Yvette, in highlighting that religion can play a significant role during distressing times. This was an experience that she had desired to do throughout her training but was unsure of what this would actually look like. Furthermore, Yvette has had the opportunity to share her experiences of being a Christian Clinical Psychologist during several teaching sessions to clinical psychology doctoral students. She also continues to bridge the gap between the church and mental health, through talks and teaching sessions within the local church. 


Her faith coupled with her thesis and work experiences have led to a desire to share her experiences of being a psychologist with faith. She also desires to support people experiencing mental health difficulties through a more holistic approach, which includes religion and/or spirituality and culture. 


Dr Yvette Arthur is currently working in an Early Intervention Service for first-episode Psychosis, in South London. She is also the lead for pre-qualified workforce development. 


The Forum was founded in the 1990s as a vehicle to improve mental health provision. We are now a community of community leaders, practitioners and service users who come together in London and across the UK at talks and workshops on a regular basis.


The National Spirituality & Mental Health Forum
36 Greenacres, London, N3 3SF, UK



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